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NEW TOEIC 新多益閱讀滿分一本通(雙書+高頻率單字MP3光碟) 好書推薦
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連老外都會錯的2500個英文單字(附全英收錄MP3) 好書推薦
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New World (4) Student Book with MP3 CD-1片 好書推薦
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Focus on Grammar 3-e (5) Workbook with Answer Key 好書推薦
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決勝英語閱讀力有聲套書(共3冊,另贈《核心式英語學習法-名詞篇》1本) 好書推薦
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PM Writing 1 Red-Yellow 5-6 Little Cat and Big Cat 好書推薦
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